Dr. James Swofford
Research Interests:
- Monetary aggregation
- Revealed preference tests
- Microeconomic foundations of common currency areas
"Mixed Integer Programming Revealed Preference Tests of Utility Maximization and Weak
Separability of Consumption, Leisure, and Money" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
with Per Hjertstrand and Gerald A. Whitney October 2016 vol 48, Issue 7 Pages 1547–1564
“Are the choices of people stochastically rational? A stochastic test of the number
of revealed preference violations” with Per Hjertstrand Empirical Economics, vol 46:4
“Microeconomic Foundations of a North American Common Currency Area,” Canadian Journal
of Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 420-429, May 2005
“Speculation, Arbitrage and Public Policy Toward Ticket Scalping” Public Finance Review
Spring 2000
Google Scholar: Dr. James Swofford
- Ph.D. University of Florida, Economics
- M.A. University of Florida, Economics
- B.A. University of Richmond, Economics and Political Science
- ECO 215 Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO 216 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO 490 Mathematical Economics
- ECO 490 Game Theory
- ECO 490 Economics of Sports and Entertainment