
What is Finance?
Finance is a specialized branch of economics concerned with the origination and management of money, credit, banking and investment. Typical areas of study within finance are corporate finance, investments, financial institutions, and risk management. Corporate finance is the study of how firms raise funds from investors, how they invest those funds in return-generating projects, and how they distribute those returns back to investors. Investments is the study of securities (stocks, bonds, etc) and the markets in which they trade. Financial institutions are the study of banks and other institutions that bring together the suppliers and users of funds, and risk management is the study of how individuals and firms can limit their exposures to the volatility of existing financial positions.
What Kinds of Jobs are Available with a Degree in Finance?
Visit Investopedia for some additional information on finance careers.
How do I find a Career in Finance?
Once you are considering a career in finance or know a career in finance is right for you, you may want to consider joining the Financial Management Association (FMA) while you are an undergraduate student.
How Much Should I Expect to Make with a Degree in Finance?
To see how much you should expect to make with a degree in finance, see the following information from Investopedia.