What is Noyce?

The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program at the University of South Alabama seeks to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors and professionals to become K-12 mathematics and sciences teachers. The program provides funds to institutions of higher education to support scholarships, stipends and academic programs for undergraduate STEM majors and post-baccalaureate students holding STEM degrees who commit to teaching in high-need K-12 school districts. Learn more about Noyce.
What is the Noyce STREAM Program at the University of South Alabama?
The Noyce Science Teacher, Research, Education and Methods (STREAM) program is designed to train new Noyce Scholars to become science teachers as well as maintain communication with more than 40 alumni scholars who were part of the Noyce Pathway to Science I (2009-2014) and Pathway to Science II (2016-2021) projects. The original projects were designed to help fill the need for science teachers in South Alabama and evaluate the effectiveness of those teachers in the classroom.
The new STREAM program continues to train certified middle and high school (6-12) science teachers through the alternative master’s in education graduate program at the University of South Alabama. These second career candidates already hold degrees in science-related fields and want to become teachers. STREAM scholars earn a master’s degree and go into the classroom with advanced work experience in science and an advanced science teaching certificate (Class A).
Fund Source - National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education, Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, Award # 2151148STREAM
Scholarship Amount and Contractual Agreement
Scholars that are accepted into the University of South Alabama’s STREAM program must sign a contract agreeing to work in high-needs middle and high schools in Mobile County or some other approved district for three years or repay the scholarship amount to the University with interest. A third of the scholarship amount is forgiven for each year of service. The total STREAM program scholarship amount is approximately $40,000.