Paying for School
Now we are talking money! Paying for college is a stressful situation for a current or future college student as well as the parents. The University of South Alabama Army ROTC program offers various scholarships to relieve this stress from the student as well as the parents that are trying to help their child through college. For current high school seniors, there is a four-year scholarship that you can apply for. If you are not awarded a four-year scholarship, you can still join the program and compete for a three and two year scholarship. For current college students, you have the ability to enter our program and compete for a two or three year scholarship depending on your scheduled graduation date. If you are a currently a sophomore and you are interested in joining our program, it is not too late! We can send you to Basic Camp the summer after your sophomore year, which allows you to enter our program as a junior and compete for a two-year scholarship. If you are awarded a two, three, or four-year scholarship from our program then you have the option of having your scholarship pay for your housing instead of tuition. Additionally our program also offers a separate scholarship for room and board on campus that any cadet can apply for. There are more details below on the scholarships that our program offers as well as the National Guard and Army Reserves.
Mr. Dirk Tyson
Recruiting Operations Officer
Feel free to contact me.
(251) 461-1582 Recruiting Operations Officer
(251) 460-6341 Main Office

Designed for incoming Freshman Includes full-tuition benefits (in-state and out-state)
Book stipend ($600 per semester)
Monthly Stipend $420
Can only get this scholarship through
More information on 4 year national scholarship
Book stipend ($600 per semester)
Monthly Stipend $420
More information on 3 year national scholarship
Includes full-tuition benefits (in-state and out-state)
Monthly Stipend $420
More information on 2 year national scholarship
Monthly stipend $420
Drill pays as an E-5 or higher enlisted rank (if previously obtained)
Ability to compete for Active Duty accessions upon commissioning
Earn Time in Service towards pay and retirement while actively drilling in college
More information about National Guard
Includes $4,500 tuition assistance (waives out-of-state tuition)
Monthly stipend $420
Drill pay
Food and Housing Allowance ($3,500 per semester)
Normal PCS Entitlements
More information about Green to Gold program