USA-AMSTI- Fellows for the Middle School Program

Project Summary
AMSTI-USA Fellows Program for Middle School will develop and assess replicable instructional and professional development strategies that bridge the gap between successful and innovative short-term practice and the long-term institutionalization required to sustain AMSTI in an effective yet economical manner. The proposed program will: (1) strengthen teachers’ knowledge of the AMSTI curriculum by providing them with experiences that will allow them to reach a mastery level; (2) enhance the teaching skills of selected AMSTI teachers (Fellows) by providing an opportunity to help mentor in-service teachers and induct new teachers into the AMSTI teaching methodology through peer coaching; and, (3) develop highly positive dispositions for selected AMSTI trained teachers. The proposed program creates two Teacher Leaders in AMSTI Math and raises the content and pedagogical knowledge of every middle school math teacher in MCPSS who chooses to participate. This program provides a wide spectrum of inquiry-based teaching strategies proven to be effective with children from diverse backgrounds.
Project Goals & Impacts
The goals and outcomes of the AMSTI-USA Fellows Program for Middle School are to:
- Involve Mathematics and Education faculty from the University to assist in increasing the pedagogy and content knowledge AMSTI Fellows, AMSTI Specialist, and 51 middle school mathematics teachers in MCPSS as it relates to the new common core standards.
- Prepare two teachers over the three-year granting period who will be trained as AMSTI math specialists. These AMSTI-USA Fellows will, support mathematics teacher development at their home schools and support district led professional development activities in mathematics.
- Assist in increasing teachers’ mathematics content knowledge and comfort level with the AMSTI curriculum and the new common core standards in mathematics. As a result, more effective instruction will occur that will in turn increase student achievement in mathematics.
Project Leadership
P.I. - Dr. Andre M. Green, College of Education and Professional Studies
Co-P.I. - Dr. Madhuri Mulekar, College of Arts and Sciences
Co-P.I. - Ms. Kelly Byrd, College of Education and Professional Studies
Fund Source
Math & Science Partnership award from the Alabama State Department of Education through the US Department of Education