Political & Legal History Sources at The McCall Library

President Richard Nixon visits Mobile, c. 1971. Jack Edwards Papers.
For more information about these collections please email us at mccalllib@southalabama.edu.
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One photocopy of a 9-page letter from Frank W. Boykin to Speaker of the House of Representatives
John McCormack dated August 20, 1963. The letter discusses many national and state
political figures, including Senator Lister Hill and Presidents John F. Kennedy and
Lyndon Johnson. The bulk of Boykin's papers are located at the Alabama Department
of Archives and History.
These papers contain correspondence, printed matter, notes, and newspaper clippings
relating to Downing's legislative career in the Alabama House of Representatives from
1962 to 1974. During those years he introduced legislation in support of the Mobile
Greyhound Park, the East and West Fowl River connection, and the University of South
Alabama Health Service Foundation. Includes materials through 1984. Other portions
of the collection focus on mental health, conservation, and wildlife, as well as the
Alabama State Docks, Mobile General Hospital, Brookley Air Force Base, and the Tennessee-Tombigbee
Waterway. 5 linear feet.
These are the official papers of Congressman Jack Edwards, who served in the U.S.
House of Representatives from 1964 to 1984. The papers include correspondence, photographs,
newspaper clippings, tapes, etc. Of particular local interest are materials relating
to the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Project and the closing of Brookley Air Force
Base. Also included in the collection are papers relating to the Watergate scandal,
school desegregation, and civil rights in general. 251 linear feet.
Jack Gallalee served as president of the Mobile County School Board from 1961-1965.
His personal files for the period of his term include correspondence, publications,
and school board meeting minutes. Subjects range from federal educational mandates
regarding integration to problems relating to fraternities and sororities in the Mobile
County school system. 2.5 linear feet.
HOLMES, LARRY (87-09-152)
This collection contains materials amassed by Dr. Larry E. Holmes, former professor
of Russian history at the University of South Alabama, during the course of an administrative
and legal battle between him and the university over tenure. The case revolved around
issues related to academic freedom and civil rights. The papers include a chronology
of events, documents related to the FBI and its concern with Holmes’ activities, correspondence,
memoranda, briefs, interrogatories, affidavits, newspaper clippings, reports, and
depositions. The collection also includes a CD of an interview conducted in August
1973 with Holmes by Mike Sloan of the local radio station WABB and Don Henry of the
Alabama Education Association. A later donation made by Holmes was added to this collection
and contains correspondence, grant awards and applications, newspaper clippings and
other material related to Holmes’ professional career, and a copy of Holmes’ 1997
article on Moscow School No. 25 that appeared in the Slavic Review. 1 linear foot.
Minutes, annual reports, newsletters, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers of
the Mobile chapter of the League of Women Voters dating from 1955 to 2012. Also includes
a series devoted to environmental issues. 18.25 linear feet.
Materials relating to various activities of civil rights leader John L. Leflore. Included
are correspondence, minutes, and other records of the regional, state and local NAACP
(1939-1956); the Mobile Housing Board (1966-1970); the Alabama House of Representatives
(1975-1976). The collection also contains one CD with John LeFlore's FBI file, photographs,
and articles written by Mr. LeFlore for various newspapers. The papers have been microfilmed.
10 linear feet.
Contains videotaped interviews with Joseph Langan, O. B. Purifoy, Dr. W. B. LeFlore,
Janet LeFlore, Fred Richardson, J. C. Randolph, Hon. James T. Strickland, Henry Williams,
Geraldine Clark, and Lancie Thomas. The interviews, filmed in 1996, are available
on 34 VHS video tapes. They were produced under a grant from the Alabama Humanities
Foundation for a documentary on John L. LeFlore. An index for the tapes is available.
Twenty-one videotaped interviews, 1994-1995, with various Mobilians including Charles
Boyle, Caldwell Delaney, Jack Edwards, William J. and Emily Staples Hearin, Paulette
Horton, Joseph Langan, Lionel Noonan, Jack Stallworth, Eugene Walter, Frederick Whiddon,
and Caldwell Whistler. Also includes interviews with members of Murphy High School
Class of 1943 at their 50th reunion, and with Frances Sibley on the history of Murphy.
The interviewer, Jeanette Maygarden, worked as Woman's Editor at the Mobile Press
Register after graduating from Murphy and pursued a career in public relations.
Kept in his youth by the former Alabama state Democratic executive committee chairman,
this one-volume (November 1, 1907 - August 1, 1909) handwritten financial journal
details household and business transactions. Gessner is perhaps best known as one
of the leaders of the Dixiecrat revolt of 1948, and for his support of the Boswell
Amendment, a 1945 codicil to the Alabama state constitution that selectively disfranchised
blacks and poor whites.
This extensive collection consists of a multitude of subjects connected with the long-time
political career of this former mayor/city commissioner. Consisting of a vast array
of genres, from judicial and legal records to proclamations and press releases to
campaign material and photographs, the information in this collection covers local
topics typically found within such collections, but it also contains material related
to Mims' personal religious views and to the American Public Works Association. Mims
was rotating mayor and public works commissioner of Mobile from 1965 to 1985. 136
linear feet.
This Mobile organization was the first in the state, chartered by the Alabama Legislature
in 1854. The materials in this collection relate primarily to the development of Dauphin
Island and include brochures, photographs, scrapbooks, and news clippings. The collection
also includes, however, two scrapbooks dedicated to the 1971 visit of President Richard
Nixon. 2.75 linear feet.
The Mobile County Circuit Court records include 613 linear feet of individual case
files and over 300 bound volumes of minutes, final records, etc. The materials date
from ca. 1830 to ca. 1917. Naturalization records created by these courts have been
indexed by Clinton P. King and Meriem A. Barlow in Naturalization Records, Mobile,
Alabama, 1833-1906, and the minute books containing these records have been microfilmed.
Divorce cases are also available on microfilm and we have indexed the records in Index
to Divorce Cases of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Alabama, 1816-1918. Many
of the early cases require cleaning and preparation by staff before researchers can
use them. For more on these publications, please visit this page.
Mary S. Palmer received an MA in English from the University of South Alabama in 1984.
This collection contains research notes for her thesis entitled "Keep on Keeping on:
The Story of George Wallace," as well as an unpublished 1995 popularized and updated
version of that thesis. The collection also includes news clippings about Wallace's
career and the assassination attempt on his life, notes, interviews, and memorabilia.
1.5 linear feet.
These papers were compiled by Eddie Curran, a former reporter with the Mobile Press
Register. They consist of investigative material gathered by Curran during his research
into the gubernatorial career of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman. The papers
include public records, court records, email, correspondence, newspaper stories, financial
documents, election records, notes. The papers are not comprehensive and do not reflect
material demonstrating the former governor's point of view. 8 linear feet.
Scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and photographs relating to Leroy Stevens (1897-1972),
a member of the Board of Revenue and Road Commissioners (1942-1957) and the County
Commission of Mobile County (1957-1972). 4 linear feet.
Daniel Holcombe Thomas was born in Prattville, Alabama, in 1906. He was appointed
to the federal bench by Harry Truman in 1951. Although Judge Thomas retired in 1972,
he retained supernumerary status until his death in 2000, making him one of the United
States' longest serving justices. Known as a conservative, Judge Thomas adjudicated
several civil rights cases, the most important to our area being the Birdie Mae Davis
v Mobile County School Board school desegregation case. He also developed a national
reputation for presiding over maritime cases. This collection consists of 13 personal
scrapbooks that contain miscellaneous speeches, letters, pictures, programs, and articles
that span Thomas' entire judicial career, and one bound volume of congratulatory letters
to him on the 15th anniversary of his installation as judge. 2.5 linear feet.
Contains miscellaneous documents (1856-1936) related to Judge Harry T. Toulmin (1838-1916).
The documents include biographies, deeds, and other property records (1869-1904),
tax records (1856-1898), his will, estate papers, correspondence (1863-1936), and
two photographs. Also includes one receipt book (1858-1868). Some of the material
relates to Toulmin's judgeship and Civil War service. The judge began practicing law
in Mobile in 1860. He entered the Confederate army in 1861 as a private and was later
promoted to captain. Toulmin resumed the practice of law after the war. The collection
also includes a list of officers and soldiers of the 22nd Alabama Infantry, as well
as a typed report from Toulmin regarding the infantry's part in the battle at Chickamauga,
during which the son of Josiah Nott was killed. Some of the correspondence is between
family members or concerns family business and a number of the letters concern Toulmin's
selection to the federal bench. The receipt book lists expenses for, among other things,
renting slaves. The collection also includes an invitation to a breakfast engagement
with President Grover Cleveland. 1 linear foot.
Documentation generated in four civil suits heard by the U.S. District Court in Mobile
includes court exhibits, depositions, pleadings files, newspaper clippings, correspondence,
and other official documents. 1. Bolden v. City of Mobile (1976-1984) contested the
use of at-large elections and resulted in a change in the form of government for the
City of Mobile. A box inventory is available (10 cubic feet.). 2. Brown v. John L.
Moore et al. (1980-1985) involved the discriminatory nature of school board at-large
elections in Mobile County (8 cubic feet.). 3. Jail Inmates v. Purvis (1980-1985)
concerned prison overcrowding in Mobile County. There is an inventory available (5
cubic feet.). 4. Lee et al. v. Macon County Board of Education was a joint civil action
suit (1970-1985) concerning school desegregation in several Alabama counties and cities:
Baldwin, Clarke, Conecuh, Dallas, Escambia, Macon, Marengo, Marion, Monroe, and Washington
counties, Demopolis, Selma, and Thomasville. 12 linear feet.