USA Students walking on campus between classes.
USA Jaguars Payment Plan
Helping students and their families better navigate the cost of a college education.

Background Navigational Banner

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Developed for enhancing user navigation, a background navigational banner is a visual element placed at the top of a webpage. It features a background image, with buttons or links that guide users to different sections of the website, making it easy to access important features or pages.

Version I - Poor Quality Image

Subject matter (Main Visual Object) is not vertically and horizontally positioned in the center of the image, resulting in the top and bottom region of the image not displaying in desktop view.

Version 1, centered subject


Version II - Acceptable Image

Subject matter (Main Visual Object) is positioned in the center of the image and will be fully visible in desktop view, preserving a balanced and cohesive composition.

Version 2, with a centered subject
  ◐   About Background Navigational Banner
Setup Instructions:

Using your WYSIWYG editor or Snippets gadget select (Table Transformation Slideshows) category, then select the following from list below and click insert.

Background Navigational Banner

Images settings:

  • 2000 (w) by 1250 (h)
  • Optimized for the web
  • Saved as Jpeg format (.jpg) 
  • Less than 300 KB
Mobile Status:
Maintained by:
Site Webmaster

Maintenance Difficulty Level:
Easy to Maintain