Getting Started With IBC Training | Research Compliance & Assurance

Getting Started With IBC Training

Below, are the specific training modules with links needed for Investigators, Staff, and Students handling infectious agents, human cell lines, modified organisms/plants and/or the use of recombinant DNA and synthetic nucleic acids . Investigators, Staff, and Students may require training that is more specialized. Please speak with your supervisor for more information. Please refer to the Research Education and Learning Matrix for additional training information.  


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    IRBNet Profile- Please visit to set up a user profile. The User profile in IRBNet allows one to upload their CITI training certificates and link training to a specific protocol. You cannot skip this step.

Required Training

    Biosafety Training- Investigators, Staff, and Students working with infectious agents, human and/or non-human primate agents, modified organisms/plants and/or use of recombinant/synthetic nucleic acids are REQUIRED to take the Biosafety Training course in CITI. 

Required BSL-3/ABSL-3 Training

  Respiratory Protection Program is only required for those working in a BSL-3 research facility when infectious agents are used. All individuals wearing respiratory protection, such as respirators rated at N-95 or greater (half-life piece) or powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR), must be fitted and approved by the Department of Safety Environmental Compliance. Respiratory Protection training is required annually. To schedule training and fitting for respirator use, please get in touch with Lisa Cobb by email or phone at (251) 460-6677. 

  Occupational Health Enrollment is REQUIRED for BSL-3 employees working with animals infected with BSL-3 agents. Enrollment in the OHP can be done here.

  Animal Biosafety personnel working biohazardous materials in animals must view the ABSA's Working with Animal Biosafety. Training does not expire. You can access the video here. 

Additional Training

  Shipping and Packaging Biological Materials Training – is only required if Investigators, Staff, and Students are packaging and/or ship diagnostic and clinical human or animal specimens, human or animal pathogens, and other regulated biohazards must take this course in CITI.

  Dual Use Research of Concern is only required for Investigators, Staff, and Students conducting studies that involve DURC.  The course must be taken annually. CITI enrollees will receive reminder emails are before the course expiration date at 90, 60, and 30 days.

  Viral Vectors is only required for those working with viral vectors. There are five online training modules and there are practice exercises are available at the end of each module. Training does not expire. You can access the training here

  BSL-3 and Select Agents & Toxins is only required for those working with select agents and toxins. Required Select Agent-specific training is administered by the Responsible Official (RO) and Select Agent Program Coordinator.