Dr. Thomas E. Nelson, PhD
Associate Professor of Management Director of Student Competitions
▼ Biography, Research Interests, & Publications
Dr. Nelson’s research interests are in aspects of entrepreneurship that are critical to making entrepreneurial opportunities more broadly available, more likely to succeed, and more successful. These include entrepreneurial design theory, solopreneurship and side hustling, crowdfunding, forgiving business models, and public policy as it relates to entrepreneurship.
Crum, Nelson, de Borst & Byrnes (2020) The Use of Cluster Analysis in Entrepreneurship Research: Review of Past Research and Future Directions
- Nelson, Apple, Ellis, Leasure, & King-Berry (2020) Performance Descriptions: A Major Tool for Performance Development
- Apple, Ellis, Nelson, Ulbrich, & Woodbridge (2020) Barriers to Implementing a Successful Learning to Learn Experience
- Apple, Leasure, Nelson, Ulbrich, & Woodbridge (2020) How the Learning to Learn Experiences Model the Seven Universal and Perennial Principles of Student Learning and Persistence
- Goldsby, Kuratko, Nelson, & Marvel (2017) Design Centered Entrepreneurship: A 4 Stage Iterative Process for Opportunity Development. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship
- Michael Crum , Thomas E. Nelson , (2015) “Stabilizing institutions for new venture investment decisions”, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 9 Iss: 4, pp.344 – 360
- Goldsby, M.G. & Nelson, T.E. (2012). Entrepreneurial Design: A Design Based Theory of Entrepreneurship. Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 23, #2 Winter, pgs 80-95.
▼ Education
- Ph.D. Entrepreneurship, University of Louisville
- M.B.A. Entrepreneurship, Ball State University
- B.S. Entrepreneurship, Ball State University
▼ Courses Taught
- MGT 345: Creativity & Innovation
- MGT 465: New Venture Creation