Stat 540 syllabus | Math and Statistics

Stat 540 syllabus

Statistics in Research part I

Course Description: A service course for graduate students in disciplines other than mathematics and statistics. A non-calculus exposition in support of application. Coverage includes descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, sampling, estimation, tests of significance, analysis of variance, correlation, linear, polynomial, and multiple linear regression including residual and lack of fit analysis, nonparametric procedures, contingency table analysis, and computer-assisted data analysis using appropriate computer software. Computer Lab fee.

Suggested Text: Biostatistics: A foundation for analysis in health sciences by Daniel and Cross, Tenth Edition

Coverage: Material to be selected by the instructor

Learning outcomes:
 Upon the successful completion of the course a student will:

understand and apply the basic concepts of statistical inference
conduct the relevant analysis with the help of at least one software available
analyze a bivariate data and the relationship with continuous variable as well as categorical variables with applications from various disciplines including from computer sciences, engineering biology sociology and marine sciences.