Modern and Classical Languages and Literature Undergraduate Program

We offer an interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates language study with culture and area studies, literature, and linguistics and prepare students to take their place as participants, leaders and innovators in an increasingly interconnected world. Competency in other languages is the key to understanding other cultures and, in turn, makes possible a deeper understanding of one's own culture and language.
As part of their core requirement all Foreign Languages majors will earn a minimum of nine semester hours at the upper level in the language of their concentration in an approved study abroad program. Subject to availability of funding, grants covering travel and cost-of-living expenses that majors would not normally incur as full-time residential students will be provided by the department. The Department offers summer programs in Cuenca (Spain), Dijon (France) and in various other countries. There are also possibilities for semester- and year-long exchanges in Passau (Germany), Pau (France), or Moscow (Russia).
For more information about study abroad opportunities, click here.
All Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature course descriptions can be found in the University Bulletin.
A variety of foreign language scholarships and grants are available, and many can help off-set the cost of study abroad.
Want a conversation partner? Want to hone your writing skills in your target language? Want to hang out with kindred spirits interested in learning more about the world, its people, its languages and its cultures, just like you are? Come on over to the Language Resource Center. At the LRC you will find friendship, motivation, conversation, laughter and exploration with like-minded enthusiasts of all things related to world languages and cultures.
Click here to learn more about the Language Resource Center.