Dr. Jack O'Brien
B.A. Biology
Stanford University
Ph.D. Biology
University of California at Santa Barbara
Research Interests
Ecological Parasitology
For more details, go to his research page.
General Biology II (BLY 122)
An overview of the major groups of plants, bacteria, fungi, protists, invertebrates
and vertebrates; vertebrate morphology, plant and animal physiology, animal behavior,
macroevolution, and ecology.
Marine Biology (BLY 367)
Introduction to the basic concepts of the field including descriptions of the biological
and environmental characteristics of major marine ecosystems. Laboratory exercises
cover nearby marine habitats and the classification, morphology, physiology, and ecology
of locally occurring flora and fauna.
General Parasitology (BLY 459)
A survey of all major groups of parasites covering the principles of the field, especially
evolution and ecology.
Topics in Parasitology (BLY 533)
Theoretical aspects of parasite ecology, evolution, and physiology, with emphasis on current literature